Spring Families on Mission International Update

Seeking to mobilize families by organizing, facilitating & leading shared mission experiences locally, regionally & internationally.

March has been a great month for Families on Mission Intl.
We began with an amazing regional mission trip with Faith
 Promise Church, Knoxville, TN, to Williamsburg, KY. Our
group of 22 people, from the ages of 10 to 85, began the
remodel of the Homeless Shelter to be able to better serve
the homeless population in Williamsburg.


We also partnered with Pastor David Aker & Canadatown
Community Church to paint & fix up their church and lead
worship on Sunday. We will be taking another team from
Faith Promise back to Williamsburg in October.



We had another great opportunity to take a group of 6 men to Honduras to partner with Brent & Anne Ozanne of Wellspring of Life Ministry. We were able to begin the process of restoring the church building that is on the ranch. We worked with several of the local men & teenage boys to install windows, paint & clean up the building. Then on Sunday we were able to have their 1st worship service at the church in 32 years!


Prayer Requests:
-Please pray that God will continue to open doors of opportunity for ministry everywhere.
-Pray that God will raise up more families willing to be “On Mission”, even in the midst of difficult times.
-Pray that Carl will be a bold, verbal witness for Christ wherever he goes.

If you want to know how you & your family can be involved with us, check out our website at www.familiesonmissionintl.org for more details. We also ask that you prayerfully consider being
a part of what God is doing by praying, giving, or going with us to share God’s love around the world.
You can get involved by contacting us or give securely online.
Or you can mail to:
Families on Mission International
P.O. Box 20796
Knoxville, TN  37940

Living for Jesus Everyday,

Carl Smith
Families on Mission International



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